
How To Fix Cut Cpu Fan Wire

  • #1
I bought a cyberpower pc with the professional person wiring, one of my fans stopped working and I bought the replacement. At present, I can't take out the bad fan because I accept to disconnect something I don't really sympathise. My question is if I can cutting the cable directly continued to the fan and then tape it up and leave information technology there inside my pc while I take out the bad fan.
Oct 31, 2015
  • #ii
Why cutting it ??? Just follow sometime fan cablevision to it's connection and unplug information technology. Swap fans and connect new one to same place.
Jan 22, 2016
  • #iii
Uhh if yous want to cause a fire in your PC I hateful that might work but leaving cables live and cut might non be the best idea...
  • #iv
Why cut it ??? Just follow old fan cable to it's connexion and unplug it. Swap fans and connect new i to same place.

But the terminate of the fan is continued between other two ends of cables. with iv big pins.
  • #5
Uhh if you want to cause a fire in your PC I hateful that might work but leaving cables alive and cut might not exist the all-time idea...

But I'll exist covering the tip with electrical tape.

Oct 31, 2015
  • #half-dozen
And where are y'all going to plug new one in ? Fans are not soldered to anything, they have plugs at the cease, the plug you can unplug and plug some other 1 in it'due south place. You can also cutting those wires from former fan and that should permit you lot to pull them out of cablevision bundle.
  • #seven
And where are you going to plug new 1 in ? Fans are non soldered to anything, they have plugs at the end, the plug you tin can unplug and plug another one in it'south place. Y'all tin can also cut those wires from one-time fan and that should allow y'all to pull them out of cablevision package.

The new 1 is going to be continued in the mother board, i just desire to accept out the fan that is connected to other cables with a iv big pins connector between other two ends of cables for brand a space for the new ane.

Oct 31, 2015
  • #8
Those There's still no reason to just cut the wires when yoi can unplug that old fan from MB and than even if yous cut it's wires there's no take a chance of anything bad happening. Cut the wires if you wand but disconnect them from MB.
Jan ane, 2013
  • #9
You're describing a double molex extender

Take a photo , upload it to & paste the link here.

Those cables volition unplug , at that place's no reason at all to cut them

  • #ten
You're describing a double molex extender

Take a photo , upload it to & paste the link hither.

Those cables will unplug , at that place'south no reason at all to cutting them

Thats the fan to remove (I demand i need to clean the pc)

Thats how the cable goes in the dorsum and ends in a 3 pivot that is unplugged and a four big pin that is the white thing between the other cables.

The cherry and blackness cables foes in that white stop of the fan and if a remove that the other cables get disconnected. I tin can't attach the black connectors.

Is it condom to cut or how I supercede that fan. (the new fan simply brings a iii pin)

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How To Fix Cut Cpu Fan Wire,


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