
How To Fix Not Seeing All Replies In Facebook

One of the most asked questions we get with Facebook, "Why can't I see all of my friends posts?" When yous accept over 100 friends & have "liked" a myriad of pages, it is nearly impossible to go on up with everyone you are continued to.

The Facebook news stream only shows yous posts from people y'all are nigh agile with. If they "like" or "comment" on ane or more than of your posts, and you lot do so in render, chances are you will have higher probability of seeing a status update from them.

So what are things you tin do to see updates from people yous oasis't connected to in a while?

(1) Categorize your Friends and Fan Pages

(a) Select your friends list from your profile page
(b) Move your cursor over the Friends box next to their name
(c) A drop down box will popular up assuasive you to select a category for that friend or "Add to some other listing"
(d) Create as many "lists" every bit you prefer, your connections will non be able to see the titles ot the categories you accept organized them nether.  As updates happen, you lot will come across a number next to the "list" letting you lot know there is a new update.

(two) Mark your closest Friends & Family as "Close" for notifications one time they post an update. They will be marked with a "gold" star side by side to the word "friends" and their updates volition evidence up in notifications. This is similar to subscribing to their updates.

(3) Visit your friends & Fan Pages and find a mail to "Like" or "Comment" to start seeing their updates

How will you see updates?

The updates on Friends or Fan Pages will either begin to show up on your news feed or you can simply scroll down the left side of the folio to view updates from your "Categories"

What if I simply want to see certain kinds of updates from friends?

Some people merely aren't fans of the games or applications. Other people prefer pictures, videos or ALL updates. Yous tin go to your friends page and you can specifically select the types of updates you actually see.

(1) Get to your friends contour page

(2) Select the "Friends" button and select the options in the drop down carte you would like to see updates about them under Settings

Play with the many features Facebook has to offer you for organizing and keeping upward with your connections & pages!

Like the information shared? Feel gratuitous to share this on your Facebook Profile simply by selecting Share from our Fan Page.

Here is more information Facebook has provided to aid yous organize your updates:

How do Icontrol what I seein my news feed?

~ Social Media is changing the manner people practice business.  Don't become left behind ~

Hollie Clere, of The Social Media Advisor is a social media managing director, trainer and writer in LinkedIn , Facebook , Twitter , Blog , Google+ , Pinterest and the tools to manage them. Click hither for her Social Media Links

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How To Fix Not Seeing All Replies In Facebook,


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